An overwhelming feeling of reverence, admiration, feeling small (in a good way) when in the presence of vast things not immediately understood.
Remember when looking at seeming so simple things like bubbles, a butterfly or the details of a flower seems so utterly amazing as a child? As we get older (and busy with responsibilities) we often don't take time to look at and appreciate this vastness. As we age this can be accompanied by social disconnection, anxiety and sadness. In this time of isolation due to the pandemic it can affect any age.
Many studies have shown cultivating awe and feeling "small" actually makes us realize all things are connected. In these studies, people reported study participants have greater joy, prosocial positive emotions, decreased stress and anxiety...all of which can have a positive effect on your aging and longevity.
At No Worries Integrative I want to help people heal by working on all aspects that improve our health and longevity! I'm going to work on cultivating awe in daily experiences. Join me!